Believe in the Unbelievable
The weather has been good on an August Bank Holiday – unbelievable….! I hope you have had the chance to enjoy it.
Good weather, summer hols, ice cream and bronzed faces are fun, enjoyable and magical times for family, loved ones and recharging your batteries.
As the kids return to school over the next couple of weeks your thoughts will be turning to the months ahead and your business.
A change in the seasons is nature’s timely reminder to get our house in order and prepare for the next quarter. To embrace the change and make the most of every day.
How much can you achieve before the end of 2016?
The answer is ….. MORE THAN YOU THINK.
Lack of self belief is such a natural default. Coming up with excuses; blaming situations over which you have no influence and denying personal responsibility. In time this creates a sense of anxiety, anger and frustration which becomes the source of procrastination. When you believe in yourself you take action and see results. Your confidence grows and achieving your potential becomes an inevitable voyage of discovery.
Here are three ideas to help you get started to build your motivation, improve your confidence and help you to achieve more than you thought possible:
1. Set Yourself a Challenge
It’s very easy to carry on doing what you’ve always done working to the mantra ‘If it’s not broken, why fix it?’. But in today’s fast-paced world, that actually means you’re going in reverse.
We naturally reject the notion of pushing the envelope as the inner demon of fear takes over….”What happens if this doesn’t work?” “If I don’t achieve my goal, I’ll look a failure…” There is no single formula for success. Nobody has walked in your shoes before so your path is completely unique. As you set yourself your challenge, recognise that this may involve taking small steps and some learning from others may be required along the way.
Be specific in what you would like to achieve and commit to attaining your goals. Identify and note down a personal best to beat in terms of new business wins, new product developed, amount of product/service delivered. Be bold and ambitious and start taking action right now.
2. Make Every Day Count
It’s widely recognised that successful people have certain routines in common with which they kick-start every day. Rising early and beginning each day with a simple ritual will get you into the right mindset to empower you for greater success.
There are many self-help books available on this subject and the choice is quite bewildering. If you are committed to personal development and getting yourself into the right frame of mind I would recommend you utilise the mindset tools from the best-seller The Miracle Morning: Silence, Affirmations (including reading your identity statement), Visualisation (feel the achievement as well as see it), Exercise, Reading, Scribing.
You can also watch my video on how to achieve the right mindset for growth as part of my Strategies for Growth series. Click here or visit my You Tube channel where you will find some great material on business growth strategy.
There is no time like the present to start effecting positive change in your life.
3. Celebrate Success
Whenever you reach a benchmark or enjoy a win, be sure to recognise and celebrate each milestone. Recognise and celebrate every success with those who have helped you make it possible.
You may not have climbed Everest or found a solution to end world poverty, but success is a relative term and it’s important to recognise each and every goal you achieve; big or small. Remember, there is no such thing as overnight success and you’re playing the long-game which is why you need to recognise each milestone you’ve achieved in the journey.
Ultimately you need to take responsibility. Raise your standards and identify the minimum you will accept in your life (family/partner, health, business, wealth, yourself). Get out of your own way, believe in the unbelievable and take consistent action.