Salesman Podcast – How to Double Your Business
Gavin Preston joins Will Barron on the Salesman Podcast to discuss how (and if it’s even possible) we can double the amount of business we bring in year on year.
Click here to listen to the show.
The show is kicked off with Gavin explaining that doubling the amount of revenue you bring in isn’t just about working more hours, although that does play somewhat of a role in the process.
“What’s the one thing you could do to make the biggest difference?” – Gavin Preston
Gavin then shares his thoughts on the fact that the only question we should be asking ourselves day to day is “What is the one thing that will make everything else easier or obsolete?”.
Will explains that for him it was to focus 100% on the podcast, as huge success in this area would mean he wouldn’t have to rely on blog posts, videos or other content to drive ad revenue.
“Pay attention to the stuff that’s working, rather than just working your way down a list” – Gavin Preston
The show is wrapped up with Gavin diving into the false thought process that our success in the future needs to be a set percentage of what it’s been in the past.
This can be very damaging as it limits sales professionals to incremental progress and denies any great leaps in turnover or productivity that could perhaps come from thinking further out of the box.
For more information about Gavin Preston’s Double Your Business programme, click here.