12 Steps to Raise Your Game – 4 to 6

15th July 2010


Employee Engagement & Motivation


4.Seeing is Believing

“What the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve” 
 Napolean Hill

Once you have set a clear goal, create a vivid image in your imagination of it already achieved. People at the top of their game in sports, business, the arts etc use the power of visualisation to great effect. It works. If we get the chance to work together I can share with you gripping real life stories that demonstrate the power of this.

We are imagining all the time what something might turn out like. More often than not the default image or movie we run is of the worst-case scenario that we then worry about.

So if you are going to spend time imagining an outcome, be sure to imagine it turning out exactly how you want it to! 
Common sense? Yes. Common practise? No.

5.Believe in yourself

There are two components to the Napolean Hill Quote above: 1st you have to conceive your goal. i.e. come up with it, see it. Next you have to believe that you can achieve it.

Yes, I know you have probably been told so many times in your life “All you need to do is believe in yourself!” And yet at times it is easier said than done.

Unfortunately a lot of people have an underlying belief that they are not good enough. Whilst none of us is the finished product and we need to strive to become more, for that to happen we have to believe that we are capable of growing, of being successful.

I will be blunt here. YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH! Accept it. Stop the wining. You have skills, abilities and experience that you are not only brilliant at, they are also valued by others. You are good enough. There we go. Years of therapy saved.

You are capable of learning, you have skills, capability and experience that is of value and you can improve. Great. You have the raw materials to achieve your goals. So if believing that you can achieve a goal is a step too far, then as your first step suspend all disbelief and be open to the possibility that you might pull this one off. Then take the first step towards your goal, if necessary fake it until you make it. i.e. Act as if you are good enough and are on track to achieve the goal. You will be pleased with the results you get.

6.Get the Right Team Around You

Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.” 
Oprah Winfrey.

All successful Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders have surrounded themselves with a group of highly capable people. As an individual we can only do so much. We have a finite amount of time available to us. However, when you leverage your time through the help of your own team of Rising Stars then you will see a massive step change in your results.

You must, however, get the right people around you. In the words of Tony Robbins “You become who you consistently hang out with”. Be sure to surround yourself with like-minded successful people that help you grow and achieve your goals. Not only do you need to ensure that you bring onto your team capable and motivated employees, you also need to surround yourself with a like-minded peer group that will support and challenge you to grow.

You will accelerate your results by getting a first class business mentor and a first class coach. I know because I continually experience the results of this in my own life and business and I see the results that I help to create for my clients.

Look out for the next post with Step 7 – 9

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