Exploring The Role of Reward & Recognition in Performance Management
Question: What part does reward have on changing performance?
Exploring The Role of Reward & Recognition in Performance Management
Not only do we want to improve performance, we want to sustain that change. Reward can be an effective strategy.
- Performance is as a result of our actions / our behaviour
- If we want the right behaviours to continue we need to reinforce the good behaviour, the behaviour that we want to see more of
- Reward can play a part in that
- Reward is not just about money. It is about finding the things that a member of your team finds rewarding (e.g. praise, finish early one Friday, take their partner out to dinner, training, career growth)
- Reward the good behaviour. Positive feedback has a bigger impact that developmental feedback. Keep pointing people in the direction that you want them to go in, not in the direction you don’t.