What Steve Jobs taught me
Steve Jobs was and continues to have a significant impact on my life. I am an avid fan of Apple and a daily user of their products. Of course, I share this love of Apple products with many other (enlightened) people.
But what can he teach those of us growing businesses and helping others to grow businesses?
Lisa Woods shares how Steve Jobs impacted her life in a thought provoking blog post
Here are her top lessons learnt from Steve Jobs
1) The World we live in was created by people who are no smarter than you or I, so don’t assume there is a best way of doing things. Make your own decisions and come up with your own ideas. You can lead people to a better way of doing things
2) Be creative in everything you do including managing others
3) Listen to your customer and work backwards. Create a product or service that satisfies the needs or desires of your target customer
4) Be hands on and involved in your work as well as your overall business
You can read Lisa’s full blog post here